Chubu Ecotec Co,. Ltd.


Frequently Asked Questions about COMPO
1 What steps are involved in manure processing?
2 How can I decrease the amount of manure?
3 What is COMPO?
4 COMPO features
5 Does COMPO need any bulking agents for moisture control?
6 Process Flow
7 Operating Cost
8 How about the system of the support?
9 Is it possible to observe how COMPO actually works?
10 Would COMPO's composting process be immature due to its short fermentation period?
11 Would I have to pay for repairs in the future?
12 How much is the average maintenance cost of COMPO over 10 years?
13 How much moisture is included in the finished compost?
14 I get the impression that COMPO is designed for medium-size stock breeding farmers and not for large-size breeding farmers (10 to 15t/day). Is this true?
15 I've heard that fermentation of sludge discharged from water treatment facilities is difficult. Does COMPO process sludge as well?
16 I suspect that substances such as metals can get mixed into waste, for example, waste from schools. Is it going to be a problem if those substances get into COMPO?
17 Are there any good suggestions for deodorization?
18 These days, compost supply exceeds demand and it cannot be sold because there are already composting centers in every region, and individual farms are undertaking composting by themselves. Taking this into consideration, we prefer an incinerator to reduce the compost volume.
19 I've heard that compost produced by COMPO is not easy to sell because it is in powder form. Is this true?

Q1.What should I do for manure processing?

Avoid adding unnecessary moisture to manure.

Weight (kg) Moisture content (%) Moisture content (kg) Solid content (kg)
5,000 78 3,900 1,100
5,500 80 4,400 1,100
7,330 85 6,250 1,100

comparison chart of moisture content and solid content.

Even though there is only 2% difference in moisture content between 78% and 80%, their difference in weight is 10%!

Even though there is only 5% difference in moisture content between 80% and 85%, their difference in weight is 50%!

The higher the moisture content of manure, the greater the amount of manure, and the cost of labor or equipment will be more than 1.5 times.

Q2.How can I decrease the amount of manure?

Avoid adding too many additive.

Weight (kg) Moisture content (%) Added bulking agent (kg) Total weight (kg)
5,000 78 4,500 9,500
5,500 80 5,500 11,000
7,330 85 9,160 16,490

connetion between bulking agents and weight

(Example) When you adjust moisture content to 60% by additive (sawdust, recycled compost: moisture content 40%)...

The weight of the manure reaches more than double of original weight!

To simplify, convert weight to volume...

Moisture content (%) Total weight (kg) Volume (m³) Original manure volume (m³) Difference (times)
78 9,500 15.8 5.0 3.2
80 11,000 18.3 5.5 3.3
85 16,490 27.5 7.3 3.7
connection between bulking agents and volume

The volume becomes more than triple its original weight. Also, labor for removing the finished compost and the cost of equipment will be tripled as well.

COMPO does not need additive.

Q3.What is COMPO?

COMPO is a vertical (airtight) machine which churns manure and sends air into the tank. By doing this, COMPO induces aerobic fermentation and composting.

The percentage of moisture content in the finished compost is approximately 30%. The finished compost can then be used as bedding material.

There is no need to worry about flies or maggots.


Q4. COMPO features

Q5. Does COMPO need any additive for moisture control? 

You do not need any additive when using COMPO.

An open-composting facility requires sawdust for moisture control in turning compost. Most people overlook the cost of this sawdust.

The cost of sawdust is unexpectedly high.

Example: In order to adjust moisture content in stock excrement (5.5t, moisture content 80%) to 60% using sawdust, you need the following amount of sawdust.


Suppose that sawdust costs 2000yen per m³:

13m³ X2,000yen=26,000yen/day

Adding sawdust leads to an increase in the amount of finished compost and operating costs.

Why are additive not required?

Depending on the moisture content included in the raw material, we control the amount of source manure and processed material without using any additive or recycled compost.

Internal changes when processing material

Q6. Process flow

See the flowsheet for each process.

Process flow

Q7.Operating Cost

Operating cost seems expensive if you only consider electricity. However,  if you also consider labor cost and additive...

Open facility COMPO
Season general winter one year
Electricity expense 500 500 1,500
Sawdust cost 0 2,100 0
Labor cost 1,600 1,600 800
Total 2,100 4,200 2,300
Annual average 2,795yen/day 2,300yen/day
* electricity expense: open facility 30,000yen/month COMPO 45,000yen/month
* labour cost 800yen/hour
* winter: 5months

In the case of an open machine, you can't adjust moisture using only recycled compost during the wintertime. Most of the time, you have to add sawdust to adjust moisture levels.

Q8.How about the system of the support?

We provide total support, including design/operation guidance and maintenance.

Q9. Is it possible to see how COMPO actually works?

Yes, it is.

We believe that observing COMPO for yourself is the best way. 
For your reference, you can also hear the opinions of other owners who are COMPO users.
If you wish to have this opportunity, please don't hesitate to ask us.

Q10. Would COMPO's composting process be immature due to its short composting period? 

The degree of composting is the same as other processes.

The decomposition rate of dry matter per day depends on the composting method. Thus, even if the composting period is long, this does not mean that the compost would be mature.
Compost that has been fermented for 80 days with one turning per week has the same degree of fermentation as compost that has been fermented for 16 days in COMPO.

Open facility (volume height: 1.0m) Composting facility (one turning/1week
with aeration)
Decomposition rate of dry matter 40% 40% 40%
Decomposition of dry matter/day 1.2% 0.5% 2.5%
Required days for fermentation 33days 80days 16days

Q11.Do I have to pay for repairs in the future?

If you simply overload your machine with work and neglect maintenance,  you will, of course, have to spend much more on repairs.
To avoid this, we implement the Preventive Maintenance Program and provide a system to repair or fix damage before the equipment breaks down. Through this system, our customer is periodically reminded to check items they have to inspect in a certain period of time.
In COMPO, the fermenter filled with high ammonia and electrical parts or hydraulic parts are completely separated.
Compared with other fermentation machines, COMPO has a high durability and does not require frequent part changes. 
Indeed, COMPO usually runs for 10 years and most of them work very well even after 20 years of operation.

Preventive Maintenance Program

Q12.How much is the average maintenance cost of COMPO over 10 years?

Generally, the one-year maintenance cost for industrial equipment is 3% to 5% of the initial cost. COMPO's maintenance cost for 1 year is 0.5% of the initial cost. This proves that COMPO has a very high durability and reliability.

Average maintenance cost

Q13.How much moisture content is included in the finished compost?

The moisture is about 30% to 40%.

Finished compost processed by COMPO contains less than 40% moisture. It is processed by the high heat from fermentation.
Finished compost produced by an open machine contains more than 50% moisture.
Therefore, when you do your bagging, you have to dry the finished compost so that it contains only 40% moisture.

Q14. I get the impression that COMPO is designed for medium-size stock breeding farmers and not for large-size breeding farmers (10 to 15t/day). Is that true?

We have lots of experience selling COMPO to large farmers (10 to 15t/day).

Q15.I heard that fermenting sludge discharged from water treatment facilities is difficult. Does COMPO process sludge?

As long as you preprocess, it is possible to ferment sludge.

A big feature of COMPO is that you don't need to preprocess raw material. But in the case of sludge, preprocessing is necessary because of its unique physical characteristics.
First, mix sludge with finished compost (volume ratio 1:1) and leave 3 to 7 days for prefermentation. After that, you can process sludge with COMPO.

Q16.I suspect that substances such as metal can be mixed into waste, for example waste from schools. Is it going to be a problem if those substances get into COMPO?

You do not have to remove any substances expect for large plastic bags.

In open stirring machines, mixed substances can be a problem because the stirring speed is very fast. But in COMPO, stirring speed is very slow (1rotation/40minutes) and mixed substances is not a problem.
However, because large plastic bags can cover air holes for aeration, please remove these from the waste.
Substances included in the compost are removed by a trommel/magnetic separator when removing the finished compost.

Q17.Are there any good suggestions for deodorization?

For middle-to-small stock breeding farmers, we recommend a compact deodorizing method which uses sawdust for deodorizing. But if you need a stronger deodorizing method, or if you are concern about condensation in the process of deodorizing, we recommend either the "professional RW deodorizing system" or "diesel engine deodorizing power generator" as the optimum deodorizing method, given COMPO's characteristics.

Q18.These days, compost supply exceeds demand, it cannot be sold because there are already composting centers in every region, and individual farms are undertaking composting by themselves. Taking this into consideration, we prefer an incinerator to reduce our compost volume.

We recommend using COMBO with carbonization or incineration.

Even in carbonization or incineration, if the moisture content of the material is more than 60%, you need a drying process.
If the moisture content in the material is more than 60% and you use carbonization or incineration, the operating cost for this drying process will be astronomical.
We recommend that you first compost part of the material with COMPO, then adjust the average moisture with the rest of material to be less than 60%. After that, you can use carbonization or incineration.
We already have tie-ups with carbonization and incineration manufacturers. We have tested and collected test data from test plans. Depending on the characteristics of each material, we will propose to you the best processing plan.

Combination with carbonization or incineration

Q19.I've heard that compost produced by COMPO is not easy to sell because it is in powder form. Is this true? 

There is still a strong demand for powder compost.

However, we understand that there are regional preferences for compost forms, and that there are some regions which prefer forms of compost other than powder.

How to granulate compost produced by COMPO:

fermentation rotary flow sheet

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