Chubu Ecotec

Shake hands with the Earth
Chubu Ecotec Co., Ltd.


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We introduce our Sealed Fermentation Equipment for Composting and related technology to recycle organic waste (livestock or household garbage.)

From the Earth

We have numerous blessings bestowed by the Earth, which we take it for granted.
But remember, we have been enjoying this flourishing life because of her grace.
She gives us green land, pure water and azure sky...
We can never survive without them.
Look at our modern life style and industrial activity.
Don't we realize that we are being so disrespectful to mother Earth?

With the Earth

The corporate philosoply of Chubu Ecotec is to contribute to society and realize human happiness through creating bountiful environment.
We offer a pollution-free and destruction-free society to create the environment where every life on the Earth can live symbiotically, forever.

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We answer frequently asked questions.

This page will help you understand more about COMPO.

Composting Overview

Detailed description about composting including its purpose, benefits, things to keep in mind, future tasks and actual composting process.

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Headquarters ⁄  Kanto Office ⁄  Tohoku Office ⁄  Okayama Office ⁄  Kyusyu Office ⁄ Chubu Ecotec Co., Ltd.